High-accuracy robotic system for machining cured composites

Loop Technology has announced the launch of RoboMACH HA, an out-of-the-box, high-accuracy robot cell. It has been developed to machine cured composites materials, such as carbon fibre, and is also suitable for other materials such as wood, foam, plastics, and more. As workforce availability continues to be a challenge for the composites and other manufacturing industries, RoboMACH HA aims to make automation more affordable to ease this strain. It is designed for suppliers who want to invest in high-accuracy automation, but have found traditional CNC machines unsuitable; either because their parts are too large for it to be cost-effective or the machining paths are too complex, or they prefer a flexible investment that can easily be adapted or expanded.
According to the company RoboMACH HA combines almost a decade’s worth of Loop Technology’s experience in developing bespoke robotic machining solutions. This process knowledge has allowed the company to design a versatile product that satisfies a wide range of machining applications with enhanced accuracy and enables them to pass on the cost-savings to their customers.
“Whilst Loop Technology are best known for bespoke solutions, we recognised common requirements and an opportunity to make automation more accessible with an off-the-shelf solution that would suit many applications” says James Streatfeild, Product Manager at Loop Technology. “We want to help our customers stay ahead of the market with a flexible, affordable process that can keep up with new and constantly changing product designs.”
Typically, robotic machining has suited softer materials such as wood, engineering foam, or sand-casting moulds; however, ROBOMACH HA uses the latest advancements in robotics with FANUC’s M-800iA/60 high rigidity model for high accuracy path applications, making it suitable for harder materials such as cured carbon fibre.