Composites UK Collaborates with F1 In Schools
F1 in Schools is a UK based not-for-profit organisation offering a way to learn Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) related subjects in an exciting way. It is achieving great results and is increasing the intake of students into Engineering careers.
Formula 1 (F1) is the pinnacle in motorsport technology and has been using composites since the early 80’s when carbon fibre was first used to manufacture the first full carbon composite monocoque on the McLaren MP4/1. Ever since then, F1 could not have achieved the growth and performance levels without composites.
Composites UK, the trade association has chosen to partner with F1 in Schools to collaborate with them in highlighting the engineering sector and composites in particular as a career choice for those who have an interest.
The objective being:
• To create awareness of composites within primary & secondary schools (whether they be public, state schools or colleges).
• To promote opportunities for further education in engineering and composites.
• To demonstrate that the UK has a strong and varied composites industry.
• To highlight that opportunities exist for those who may not wish to go down the further education route.
• To support our members in signposting schools & colleges within their local area, so that they can engage and source new talent for the future skills requirements.
• Sponsor* the F1 in Schools UK Awards and present bespoke trophies to the winning teams at the UK Finals at the end of June.
The aim of the collaboration is to grow the relationship to be more of a partnership, with greater visibility and presence at their events with the Composites UK logo and promotion of the industry as the ideal route to those who wish to work in F1 and its supply chain.